Neon Genesis Evangelion: Freud, Evangelion & the Psychoanalysis of Anime - pontos fathom podcast EP13
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Freud, Evangelion & the Psychoanalysis of Anime
- pontos fathom podcast EP13
Welcome to our thirteenth episode of the pontos fathom podcast - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Freud, Evangelion & the Psychoanalysis of Anime. pontos fathom podcast EP13. In this episode we begin the our month long analysis into the Evangelion anime from the point of view of psychoanalysis. In this podcast, we discuss Freud, the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, and how Anno uses imagery from psychology as he use Christian apocalyptic writing to world build. But in doing so he creates some interesting overlap with the the psychoanalytic process. Thanks for watching and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
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welcome everyone to pontos fathom press this month we will be doing podcasts covering neon genesis evangelion end of evangelion and the reboot of evangelion anime and the topic for pontos fathom podcast number 13 today is neon genesis evangelion sigmund freud and something i'm calling the psychoanalysis of anime
so all month we'll be doing various uh podcasts around uh evangelion and i want to make them a little different than the content that's out there there's a lot of people uh making content around evangelion obviously this is a huge year for evangelion having the wrap up of rebuild with 3.0 plus but i kind of just wanted to go on the record not so much looking at just the you know the freudian aspects i mean just like anno has christian aspects in evangelion a lot of it's just for story and world building right and i think that the psychology is also for story and will build world building so let's kind of approach it that way i guess that's the safest way i'm i'm gonna come from it uh each podcast will focus on we'll focus on freud we'll focus on young and we'll focus on jacques lacan and we'll focus on each of the main animes so we'll start out with the original neon genesis evangelion obviously there's crossover between them but it's going to be a little less like oh there's an oedipus complex in there i mean i will point out those kinds of things but i want to look at it in kind of a new way and make this as interesting and educational as possible and share some insights that i have into it my background is literature i'm an avid reader of psychology i've i've read most of freud most of lachan and most of jung over the past 10 years so you know maybe i can approach it as a literary in a literary way but with some kind of an uh understanding of the text so uh that's just my background so again i'm not this is not to say that anime is psychoanalysis in any way but what it is to say is there are some things in neon genesis evangelion that remind me of some of freud's techniques and some of the things freud calls out in his writings and we'll kind of go through some of those today and i just used some highlights and some props here we're not talking about manga these mangas are just here to sort of give us something to look at and we'll kind of get into it from there just quick shout out august moldenhauer artificial psychology of desiring machines it's a three volume set we've got impedance and admittance and desiring machines and psychoanalysis of artificial intelligence these are in proof mode right now we'll be publishing them soon so if you want more information or would like to support the channel keep an eye on the links below check out our patreon and those books will be coming you can also check out our bookstore and leave a comment if anything here is interesting so let's jump right into it the idea of let's kind of give a little background first we'll give a little background of freud psychoanalysis in a real high level and we'll give a little background on neon genesis evangelion uh the things i'd like to point out maybe first off is freud's idea of the talking cure right so this idea of psychoanalysis being this relation between an analyst and the um the analysand right and i think there was an interesting um writing that freud had done about the importance of the lay importance of lay analysis the question of lay analysis right so the idea here is freud discovered some very interesting things now freud these days is probably very controversial but let's just ground him where he belongs in the history of psychology right freud was one of the first people um fred was one of the modern practitioners of a science of the human psyche right and he and his uh you know he as along with edmund hussero rudolph steiner and uh freud himself they attended a brentano class on psychology of aristotle right so in some ways we can see that you know if you say the word psychology and aristotle in the same sentence we're talking about a system or science of the psyche right and i think that this is what this sent steiner husserl and freud in three different directions who cyril into phenomenology uh
in influencing heidegger and then freud into foundations of psychoanalysis where jung kind of emerges from that and then steiner goes off and does it anthroposophy right so it's a very interesting moment with these three classmates of the same teacher kind of emerge so out of out of freud if we talk about this idea of psychoanalysis one thing that freud observed is this concept of transference so as the uh analyst is talking with the the subject or the object we might say but with the patient or with his client uh at some point the analyst may fulfill a role for uh the analysand you know so for example if there's a father complex maybe the uh analyst starts to notice that the patient's putting him in that father role and then this way freud would talk through with his patients through the psychoanalysis process right this transference process has has been studied as well so i think that what's interesting about why i'm bringing up transference here is when we look at evangelion there's something very much like a psychoanalytic session across neon genesis evangelion right so obviously we've you know there's lots of content out there talking about anno and his sort of struggles he had to make it and the controversy over the last two episodes which are very uh
breakthrough in anime but they're also you know some critics hate them i mean anna received death threats from the from the original ending of evangelion because it became very cartoonish very psyche influenced very stream of um you know angstrom almost a psychotic break type of type of thing and it kind of paralleled what anno may have been going through but to frame it back in now i want now i want to call out here just like you know anno is the first one who'll come out and say oh we make too much of his work and yet you know when we get into the jung study uh we know that there's a a lot of a rich well of information in the unconscious and through various mechanisms and we'll call call these mechanisms that freud studied things like repression or you know these these these unconscious influences of ours this unconscious programming of ours or these unconscious systems that we create get repressed i mean and it's sort of a little bit where we get into that lcl space right the the the lcl is where the human in the in the evangelion the pilot and the evangelion sort of can blur blur the light they blur the lines together right so lcl is kind of like maybe an analog for the unconscious but in a in the same way the um the pilot pod that goes into the evangelion has this kind of concept of the psyche right because it's like there's a human there's who is the me that's inside of me it's like is it it's the ego that injects itself into the evangelion but then there's another you know we have that freudian um id the evangelion is like the id and that in that phase of freud so there's the ego the super ego and the id and you can see there is a superego almost in the outer out of body portrayals of rey when rey starts to become a sort of an out of body creation so let's kind of jump into some of these texts that i've footnoted and we can get some of the ideas here uh one is from freud's question of lay analysis and he goes on in this section he says
uh perhaps you do not believe in these purely theoretical interests of psychoanalysis or cannot allow them to affect the practical question of lay analysis and what he means by lay analysis here is the idea of uh if we're doing an uh an analysis where say uh let's just set up a scenario where there's a therapist and there's a patient and they're talking and you as an outsider as a viewer you were just watching this analysis happen you might notice some things well oh the the patient got very defensive there right or you might say oh the therapist seemed to be kind of bullying them there or the therapist seemed to be didn't really catch something there so freud was very interested in this idea of just talking through some of these deep uh psychological states whether they're traumas whether they're neuroses whether whether there's some kind of um dream analysis just having that kind of point of view of what what's what does common sense tell us here what does common sense tell us so let's just put this out there like that uh and i think this is very much like us as the re as the reader as the viewer of neon genesis evangelion right we're we're sort of put in that position of we are not members of this world and yet we can kind of see all of the troubles bubbling up not just in shinji not just in rey not just in asuka but but in in all the characters right retsiko uh shinji's father uh so each character has has some kind of flaw and it's really it really comes comes through especially in in end of evangelion and then it gets changed by rebuild but we'll talk about those later so back to freud here we talk about uh he says perhaps you don't believe these periodic theoretical aspects of psychoanalysis or cannot allow them to affect the practical question of lay analysis then let me advise you that psychoanalysis has yet another sphere of application which is outside the scope of quackery law to which the doctors were scarcely glad claim its application i mean is the bringing up of children if a child begins to show signs of undesirable development if it grows moody refractory and inattentive the pediatrician and even the school doctor can do nothing for the child if the child produces clear neurotic symptoms such as nervousness loss of appetite vomiting or insomnia or curling up in a ball with his cassette tape right as shinji does but listen all of our characters do that rey is quite despondent uh asaka is acting out and shinji is closing up so a treatment that combines analytical influence with educational measures carried out by people who are not ashamed to concern themselves with the affairs of a child world and who understand how to find their way into a child's mental life can bring about two things at once the removal of neurotic symptoms and the reversal of the changing character will have begun so um analysis undeniably and i undeniably still has its enemies i do not know whether they have means at their command for stopping the activities i do not think it very likely one can never feel so secure so i i just called this out in this kind of lay analysis where we're talking about these uh these motives around the uh the characters you know so uh we can see in the flow of neon genesis evangelion uh something kind of happens that at least reminds me somewhat of of of of psychoanalysis and i want to call it that's why i've called the title of this podcast the psychoanalysis of anime because in a way just the way eno has pulled up some
there's a very thin layer of christian apocalyptic writing over neon genesis evangelion and then he minds that for his world building right he kind of minds just these you know the dead sea scrolls uh he talks about the uh the angels right the angels and then they talk about the impacts are kind of like the uh book of revelations these different impacts are like the seven seals or something like this but it's done in a very superficial and the way we love an anime for these things to do it's very fun right we we get to have the doom and gloom of apocalypse but it's in an anime so it's interesting but the other side of the other side of evangelion or neon genesis evangelion as a series is how anno goes through various stages throughout the uh the episodes it starts out kind of like a simple mecha anime and then it's got all of those high school slice of life teenage problems that kind of come up and not not only teenage adult problems you know and here for sure there are oedipus complexes with uh shinji a lot of people have talked about this you know there's the whole we will talk a little bit about parasite uh the idea of how shinji is against you know sort of like symbolically in the slapping of rey of of shinji don't you believe in your father's work right and and shinji's deep-seated unresolved father issues right but then you have the asuka asuka sort of like a parallel to shinji but hers manifests more in her
development sort of her development uh from a girl to a woman and i think those are very interesting plot points and then as the series goes on it seems to merge the break in like like psychoanalysis was once you come up to the psychoanalytic realization suddenly now the resistance barriers are broken the transferences happen and the patient may at this point realize oh i understand what's going on now and this is why this the the third impact uh uh components are so interesting because now the world has broken down therapy has broken down this is what freud would call you know the ends of therapy not meaning the end of therapy what more like the goals of therapy this breakthrough that gets produced is where shinji sort of has to come face to face and somewhat horribly with all of his inner hurts now in some ways this this psychoanalysis that happens throughout evangelion is a psychoanalysis of anno in other ways it's a psychoanalysis most clearly of shinji but i kind of would like to think of it as just like the christian apocalyptic components are mined for plot i feel a bit like the heroic journey one might say of psychoanalysis where you go from i thought it was a mecca i thought it was a teen story i thought it was a breakdown of characters where the characters are literally emotionally breaking down and then something breaks through right i think this anime is psychoanalysis it's kind of like a psychoanalysis and this is not to say oh you can watch this and learn about psychology no it's just as cartoonish about psychology as it is about christianity right you wouldn't go to neon genesis evangelion for insight into christianity nor would you go to it for insights in psychoanalysis but as an anime it's sort of like the cartoon version is my theory this is my just one idea so let's kind of keep getting into it here another another piece i've jumped out here from freud that will ground us uh somewhat in the this is in beyond the pleasure principle right so i want to talk about those first impacts second impact third impact these impacts are very interesting right because there's something here that's um very powerful and then also that weird breakdown of the you know the characters mothers are in the eva gendo reincarnating his wife which is clear projection into the doll that is rey at least all these weird plots that are very freudian but again a lot of people have talked about these things i want to take it to that one level beyond this so here we have uh
what becomes clear the aims are set up the aim this is a little bit about i'm going to say i'm at this point is about human instrumentality project okay let's go into the human instrumentality project right so gendo's got this project human instrumentality and it's kind of really ominous and it's apocalyptic but it's something what is the human instrumentality it's what is the you know maybe going back to aristotle what is a human good for right it has become clear that the aim which has been set up the aim that what was unconscious should become conscious is not completely attainable by that method the patient cannot remember the whole of what is repressed in him and he cannot remember and that he and what he cannot remember may be precisely the essential part of it thus he acquires no sense of conviction of the correctness of the construction that has been communicated to him he is obliged to repeat the repressed material to repeat right the rebuilt you cannot repeat we talk about the rebuilds right he is obliged to repeat the repressed material as a contemporary experience instead of as the physician would prefer to see remembering it as something belonging to the past right so this is where the oedipus complex comes in right uh the so the idea freud's talking about here is because we've repressed something
had we just said oh i had i had a my dad you know gendo was kind of a jerk and after mom died he never quite got over it but listen i'm over it now this is maybe the this is maybe the shinji at the end of episode 26 and it's also for sure this is the shinji at the end of spoilers uh thrice upon a time but the idea here is once you make it conscious you're no longer doomed to repeat it and this is a huge insight right so this idea of repressed feelings being repeated by the programming something that anno went through and something anno thought he should address with rebuild so it's a very interesting insight into rebuild and that'll come back when we do our podcast on rebuild with la can which is also a return to freud right so that will be very interesting let's keep going the reproductions which emerge with such unwished for exactitude always have at their subject some portion of infantile sexual life of the oedipus complex that is in its derivatives they are invariably acted out of the sphere of transference out of the patient's relation to the physician or out of our relation as the viewers to the animator oh no but one level higher is this anime serves as the psychoanalysis of anime if you understand what i'm saying it has thus been the physicians endeavor to keep this transference neurosis within the narrowest limits to force as much as possible into the channel of memory and to allow as little as possible to emerge as repetition this ratio between what is remembered and what is reproduced varies from case to case right so this is the atf field right we have the atf field the idea of some containment field that doesn't allow things through right there's the angels are the monsters right and the avas are attacking let's see if we have a photo of the of the angels attacking in here uh i i think we probably have an image of angels maybe yeah shinji attacking the first first angel here right and the at field uh
right and the pearl the pearl it's in the it's in the mecca toys too there's a there's the red pearl inside the angel right the the heart of the heart of the matter okay let's switch it up to this is on transference
maybe we'll go to this at night this is a dream one let's go into the parasite concept so the idea here is shinji oedipus complex obviously anno is you know right on the sleeve with all of this stuff um we have you know shinji's mother is the soul of the of the eva unit one which is gendo's wife gendo and shinji have issues the mother's protective of shinji the inner mother is protective of shinji right rey is the projection there's a lot of that kind of edible text going on there but i wanted to go more onto this side of freud had talked about freud had written an essay that i called out here called dostoyevsky and parasite you know the the killing of one's father right so the idea here is uh you know ray slapping rey slapping uh shinji so here it says uh the creative artist four facets may be distinguished by the rich personality of dostoyevsky the creative artist the neurotic the moralist and the sinner and we can read ano here how is it one finds its way through the bewildering complexity how do we find our way through the bewildering complexity of dostoyevsky or evangelion neon genesis evangelion the greatest art artist is the leads doubtful dostoevsky's place is not far behind shakespeare the brothers karamazov is a magnificent novel ever written as as lots of people think neon genesis evangelion is one of the greatest uh um works written and so the idea here is parasite according to a well-known view is the principle and primal crime of humanity as well as of the individual see totem and taboo 1912. it is in any case the main source of the sense of guilt though we do not know it it is the only one researchers have not yet been able to establish with certainty the mental origin of guilt but it is not necessary for it to be the only one the psychological situation is complicated and requires elucidation the relation of a boy to his father is as we see an ambivalent one in addition to the hate which seeks to get rid of the father as a rival and nowhere is this clearer right just this sentence getting rid of the father as a rival gendo has modeled rey on shinji's mother and shinji would rather have the world destroyed to rescue her right to sort of bring bring her through uh the two attitudes of mine combine to produce identification with the father the boy wants to be in his father's place because he admires him and wants to be like him and also wants and also because he wants to put him out of the way the whole development now comes against a powerful obstacle at a certain moment the child comes to understand that an attempt to remove his father as a rival would be punished by him with castration so again shinji self castrates right the idea is oh if i remove my father i remove me and he kind of goes in this loop and he turns on the tape deck that's his dad's tape deck and he just kind of loops right he's just looping neurotic looping at a certain moment the child comes to understand that an attempt to remove the father as a rival would be punished by him with castration so from fear of castration that is the interest of preserving his masculinity he gives up his wish to possess his mother and to get rid of his father shinji just gives up he curls up in the ball right what we believe that we have been describing are normal processes and the normal fate of the so-called oedipus complex iowa also goes and say a further complication arises when the constitutional factor be called bisexuality is comparatively strongly developed in the child for there to throw the boy's masculinity by castration his inclination becomes strengthened to diverge in the direction of femininity to put himself instead in his mother's place and take over her role as the object of his father's love he wants to be the object of his father's love notice how shinji is also a great cook he takes care of the classmates he cooks their lunches he even takes care of misoto he takes care of everyone and at the same time you know he he also is attracted to a boy right so this idea of if i can't be my father i'll be my mother is very interesting with shinji as well okay so yeah i thought that was pretty pretty interesting stuff and there's a lot more to be said on that but if you guys are interested you can read dos dayefskin paraside from freud's the straight tea volume 21 edition you can get some more insights to that one so let's go on to some other nuggets i found that i think you guys will find interesting just wrapping up on that one it says industryfc's great novel this is from freud's hallsman case the oedipus situation stands as a focal point of interest old karamazov this is about gendom mostly old karamazov has made himself detested by his son through his op heartless oppression in the eyes of one of them he is in addition a powerful rival for the woman he desires this son dimitri makes no secret of his intention to avenge himself on his father by force and it is therefore natural that after his father has been murdered and robbed he should be accused of his murderer and yet despite all protestations of his innocence condemned
a dictum that has become famous occurs in the trial scene in this novel psychology is a knife that cuts both ways right and this is odd right because and this is the weird critique of jendo's human instrumentality project using shinji the way he does in a way this is part of some weird unresolved issue of gendo right and then it's in the wake of gendo's issue you have shinji's issue something like this right so uh yeah so so interesting insights there uh let's go into two or three other points that i i want to call out here one of them is around this concept of fetishism and it's something that i think anno was very upset about as well so if we kind of go flip through this you know evangelion has become and listen i'm i'm into it too has there's toys there's models there's manga there's anime it's a huge commercial leviathan right and one thing that uh i think anno found interesting uh or strange for him was here he is creating this kind of
process that he went through and just kind of cranking out this thing that people really identified with and people liked it and yet oh no because it was tied to his own issues really rejected the commercialism and he sought to sort of revenge against the commercialism and revenge against the fans so this love-hate relation with the fandom you know and we talk about this also in in psychoanalysis where the end of analysis the patient often is disgusted by the uh the therapist i mean think of the it's a good hollywood version of this the hollywood version of it is like good will hunting right you've got matt damon and robin williams and they're talking and robin williams is really exposing the raw nerve of damon and damon can can't take the shame of it right at first there's actually this shameful feeling there's a great little clip on on the internets where anno is being interve interviewed by a young child and there's a number of like evangelion mecca toys around and and this and the child says well you know what parts do you like and what parts don't you like and he and anno says i don't like the parts of evangelion where i see myself right and well this is so huge right and we'll talk about this when we get to uh uh lacan in our in our rebuild phase so yeah so this idea of fetishism that we want to talk about is you know it says in the in this instance the meaning and purpose of the fetish turned out in analysis to be the same it revealed itself naturally and so compelling so the idea is there's something about having the evangelion being the object right of it's like the fetish object right and it's a phallic thing as well this is to say that normally there have been up to this the fetch is precisely divine to preserve it from extinction the fetish is a substitute for the woman's male parts uh that the boy once believed in and for this reason it's familiar to us so the idea of this uh schotomizing right scottomizing this perceived lack of something suddenly you have an object that can take that take the place of that thing and this is where you get to this the idea of fetishism in general is when you place uh the power of something into the object right so the further research led us to another solution of the contradiction it turned out that the two young men had no more sodomized their father's death than the fetishist does to the castration of women it was only the only current in this mental life that was not recognized in their father's death so this was another current which took full account of the fact so returning to my description of fetishism i must say that there are many and weighty additional proofs of the divided attitude of fetishists in the question of castration right so it's the idea of talks about foot binding chinese foot binding it seems that they want to thank the woman for having submitted to having the feet bound right and i think that this is a very an interesting point we'll just sort of leave it at this in that once you create neon genesis evangelion and it starts to be build a fandom you know that all that auteur theory where it's no longer anno's anymore and the objects of evangelion you know these uh uh look these objects right we've got these books and uh gundams of them and and figures and all of this concept starts to become uh symbolic of the experience that we had in that so that sort of again that sort of transference into the object is what fetishism is just wanted to call that out because i know that anno was really against fetishism so lastly let's talk about two other two other quick points i did want to talk quickly about civilization discontents obviously the idea here is it's the end of the world in neon genesis evangelion it's a world crumbling and you know uh freud's uh civilization discontent is in many ways his ethics so it's like evangelion sort of asked this question what are the ethics of an apocalyptic world and you know you know one ethic might be you know asaka's ethic is we have to fight right or rey's ethic is she's still trying to get gendo and shinji to have dinner together just some small win something human which she lacks being a clone as she is and then uh shinji you know reconciling with the father saving rey
uh um still confused about asuka unable to understand what is feeling and just making that into anger all the anger for everything comes out of him finally you know or uh or shinji the fact as the catalyst of the end of the world right so i just wanted to go here is necessary to give up our interpretation of the transference neurosis as attempts made by the ego to defend itself against sexuality but the concept of libido was endangered since the ego instincts too were libidinal it seemed for a time inevitable that we should make libido coincide with instinctual energy in general as cg young has already advocated earlier nevertheless there still remained in me a kind of conviction for which i was not able to find reasons that the instincts could not all be of the same kind my next step was taken and beyond the pleasure principle when the compulsion to repeat in the conversation character of the compulsion in the character's intellectual life first attracted my attention starting from speculations on the beginning of life and from biological parallels i drew the conclusion that besides the instinct to preserve living substances and to join it into even larger units there must exist another contrary instinct seeking to dissolve those units and bring them back to their primeval inorganic state again this could be the the impacts it could be instrumentality it could be the at fields it could be the lcl all of these things kind of fit in there but that is to say as well as eros and i think this is interesting if lcl is like eros or like a libidinal right and it's a liminal fluid right it's it's the fluid that allows you to interact with the ava but it's also like mari will later show something that she's has a libido feeling for that is to say as well as eros there is an instinct of death the phenomenon of life could be explained from the concurrent or mutually opposing actions of these two instincts the death instinct and the eros instinct right this is beyond the pleasure principle the drive to death and the drive to eros love the manifestations of arrows were conspicuous and noisy enough and it might be assumed that the death instinct operated silently within the organization towards its dissolution but that of course was with no proof in this way the light of instinct would be preserved into the service of eros and that organism which destroyed some other things whether animate or intimate and inanimate instead of destroying its own self conversely any restrictions of this aggressive directed outwards would be bound to the increase of self-destruction which is in any case proceeding at the same time one can suspect from this example that two kinds of instincts seldom perhaps never appear in isolation from each other right they're always together this eros instinct and this death instinct are sort of revolving around each other right and this is where you see this hostility of a shinji against asuka is merely a hostility against itself against uh en gendo you know it's it's very odd and you know there's there is some kind of reckoning that anno tries to do at the end of neon genesis evangelion but in the end kind of like a dream and a lot of what you know talk about asheron right asheron is mentioned in rebuild freud talked about dream analysis as something like going into the underworld and i think this is something that's you know maybe this is where we'll kind of leave it for today in in the sense that and evangelion ends in a way that uh anno sort of wraps up the story shinji's still broken though at the end because at the time anna was still somewhat broken right so we kind of got an ending that's a poetic ending to evangelion another impact happens the world seems shattered we're kind of left with some hope that now that we've burst through all the the walls we had a big breakthrough but i kind of want to say that there's a breakthrough but the death eros instinct has not totally been resolved right so we still have some work to do and i think this is a great place to sort of interject the idea of again psychoanalysis as anime freud's work was riddled with problems right just like gendo's human instrumentality project freud himself as a you know hey you know here i am trying to make psychology into something science trying to see the unconscious trying to surface the unconscious as a pioneer even early in his career carl jung and freud split and i think that anno tried to do this piece and a lot of his fans split with him you know he had death threats there's a a lot of people were really attached to uh this as a mecca they wanted the euro side they didn't want the death side and i think that people the fandom reacted and so you know when it comes to i'm going to say two things there's a there's two narratives that i'm sort of overlaying here narrative one is the evolution of of psychology itself and psychoanalysis and i think in our next podcast we'll talk about carl jung and and i'd like to in the moving forward let's talk about end of evangelion right so with end of evangelion anno is sort of coming back to give the fans what they've got coming to him right and it's a double-edged sword he's giving them the arrows part but he's also giving them the thanatos part which is uh you know it's it's it's a great revenge against the fans as well because it's a fantastic it's a fantastic film end of evangelion so uh our next podcast we'll focus on we'll take all of this forward and we're going to focus on carl jung this works uh his works of ion which is also apocalyptic and we can kind of find some we've talked about it here in other podcasts we'll talk about some jungian alchemy that happens that can relate to end of evangelion and alano's work and us as fans watching the the anime and but we'll also talk about jung's complexes anima and animus which we can see anima possession and shinji we can see animus in usaka we can see shadow in gendo shadow and rey and and we'll move forward into jung and then our our third week out we will do rebuild of evangelion that might be a two-parter and we'll talk about jakula khan as a revisiting of the freud project lacan revisited the freud project just like endo revisits neon genesis with his rebuilt okay so hopefully that was interesting to people uh please like and subscribe check out our links below upcoming books psychoalice analysis of artificial intelligence definitely we'll talk about um uh ai and the potentially the future need of psychoanalysis for general general artificial intelligence so you might find that interesting um and if you like what we're doing here uh you know check out our patreon as well and please leave a comment share your thoughts if you have some thoughts before next week drop them down in the comments i will read those out and we can address them in next week's podcast so we'll see you next week we'll talk about jung and end of evangelion ion alchemy and the collective unconscious thanks a lot for listening and we'll talk to you soon bye bye
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