Cryptic Runes Translated from Lovecraft, Dr. Dee, Jung's Black Books- pontos fathom podcast EP03

 Cryptic Runes Translated from Lovecraft, Dr. Dee, Jung's Black Books- pontos fathom podcast EP03

Welcome to pontos fathom press third episode of the pontos fathom podcast - EP03 Cryptic Runes Translated from Lovecraft, Dr. Dee, Jung's Black Books. What are the psychological and occult aspects of dream runes, and symbols that come from visions or imagination. We will explore Necronomicon phrases from Lovecraft, as well as Enochian Script, and Jung's Symbols From Ha in his Black Books. Thanks for watching and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

The Genealogy of Cthulhu
The Psychoanalysis of R'lyeh
The Archeology of Yog-Sothoth

Welcome back everyone to pontos fathom press  this is episode three of our podcast pontos fathom podcast  in today's episode kind of continuing in the tradition of lovecraft  looking at some other texts that influence it i want to talk about  cryptic phrases and cryptic scripts that either come to the case of lovecraft or even psychoanalysis of reality from like sort of a place of fiction where  some imagined phrases are then interpreted right so we have we have lots of examples of those in lovecraft and then moving on from imagination and fiction into things like john dee's experiments in scrying that led him to develop the enakian angelic script right so there's there's symbols that come through vision and that kind of hypnagogic interpretation of the symbols then get some meaning and this kind of symbol work right so we go from the spoken sounds lovecraft doesn't have symbols as much as he has  foreign or  language of cthulhu or nyarlathotep or  yog-sothoth something like this will have some kind of strange phrasing and then we have a combination of that two in cyclonasauria and then also in john d and then finally to carl jung's black book examples where he has dreams of  some cryptic scripts that he in the interesting way that he goes about interpreting them and so you know and and like a lot of things we discover here there is that kind of intersection or that blurring between imagination  channeling spirituality and dream dreaming.

You know there's some some kind of overlap in all of these areas they're kind of like different flavors of a of a similar activity almost like cousin activities in a way like the way that the mind you know if we talk about it psychologically or if we talk about it from a sort of an occult point of view you know psychologically we can see this as a jungian exploration of the unconscious right whatever bubbles up we're sort of working with it so in the case of jung it bubbled up with these symbols and then that kind of  that work and i think that the author here the editor here describes it as a yoga almost it's kind of a yoga the translation is a yoga almost you know interesting of the word translation kind of has an etymology in carrying across right so we're going to carry across but what we're carrying we don't quite know what it is right and to translate that is interesting so let's kind of dig in i want to start off because this is a lovecraft month a couple of examples in lovecraft that i've i've called out here i mean some of them are very familiar to everyone  just to let everyone know this is  our weekly podcast that i do  and the topics this month are around lovecraft but in future months they'll all have a psychological event they'll have an occult bent alex be exploring philip k dick in the future dune if you like what you see here please comment  like to hear from everyone and also can look in the links for  august moldenhauer's tattoo journals out of lovecraft's providence help to support the channel and patreon where you can vote and see some other content i'll actually be reading this entire book  the whole series for the patreon members so that would be appreciated let's kind of go into the  the original one you know that first i just wanted to start before we even get into the sort of gibberish script just the concept and it's kind of a borges concept right you make something real.

We're talking here in the nameless city mad poet this is the you know lovecraft's author of the necronomicon so already an imaginary text an imaginary author and yet as we talked about in our last video there's some overlap between the pikatrix and dr john d there's some something that he's tying in here you know something he's tying in so he says it was of this place that abdul al-hazra the mad poet dreamed on the night before he's saying his unexplainable couplet that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die so so let's start out with this as a as an entry as a gate right so the gate here is just having  the idea in the imagination of a book the necronomicon and that book's author and now that books author speaks to us his couplet you know and now let's take that let's take that idea one level deeper as  as lovecraft  does with his  famous quotes  in the call of cthulhu where we have just here called out hieroglyphics let's go okay  it was then that he began that rambling tale which suddenly played upon a sleeping memory and won the fevered interest of my uncle there had been a slight earthquake tremor the night before the most considerable felt in new england for some years and wilcox imagination had been keenly affected upon retiring so he got a dream he had an unprecedented dream of great cyclopean cities of titan blocks in star-flung monoliths all dripping with green ooze and sinister with latent horror hieroglyphics had covered the walls and pillars and from some undetermined point below had come a voice that was not a voice a chaotic sensation which only fancy would transmute into sound but when he attempted to render by almost unpronounceable jumble of letters katulu futagen okay and then later in the dark cyclopean vistas he renders the leather catulu and real yeah so now we're getting into  the dream transmission of words that we don't have a correlation for we do talk about some of those words like cthulhu is kind of like catholic again so it's a subterranean kind of word but  but interestingly let's go through lovecraft a little further ahead and  we find here in the dream quest of unknown kadath right we have this one steer for vega through the night but turn to the singing sounds forget not this warning lest horrors unthinkable suck you into the gulf of shrieking and ult madness remember the other gods they are great and mindless and terrible and they lurk in the outer voids they are good gods to shun hi you are off send back earth's gods to their haunts on unknown kadath and pray to all space that you may never meet me in my thousand other forms farewell randolph carter and beware for i am near lethotep the crawling chaos oh so again  here we have randolph carter on his dream quest in the dreamlands unknown kadath and then there's an encounter with some undecipherable phrase right a couple more examples of it in the dunwich horror oh in the case of  in the the case of charles dexter ward we do have the  marinus bickle willett began the second part of the formulae whose first had raised the writer of those minuscules that cryptic invocation whose heading was the dragon's tail a sign of the descending node again an astrological reference but he says ogthrod if gabel a yog-sothoth negan right so again strange the very first words from will its mouth the previously commenced formula of the page patient stopped short unable to speak the monster made wild motions with his arms until they too were arrested when the awful name of yog-sothoth was uttered the hideous change began it was not merely a dissolution but rather a transformation or recapitulation and will it shut his eyes lest he faint before the rest of the incantation could be pronounced so again a fear of the pronunciation of the script here we have some strange script it actually is latinized i believe and then finally my last example is from the dunwich horror it says  in the presence of these three men seem to rouse the dying thing it began to mumble without turning or raising its head dr armitage made no written record of its mouthings but asserts confidently that nothing in english was uttered at first the syllables defied all correlation with any speech of earth but toward the last there came some disjointed fragments evidently taken from the necronomicon that monstrous blasphemy and quest of which the thing had perished these fragments as armitage recalls them rammed something like nagae thoth yog-sothoth they trailed off into nothingness as the whipper will shrieked in rhythmical crescendos of unholy anticipation and then came the halt of the grasping and the dog raised its head in a long like wow the dogs howl at the sound of the words okay so  you know so so part one we've kind of gone through the idea some examples of not only imaginary couplets from an imaginary book from an author right which seems a lot like a dream right it's a dream work but then that's one thing you dream of you know you have a dream that someone you don't know reads from a book you've never seen and he says something in english but then to have the dream where what is spoken is not even knowable to something that you're familiar with and you know we could do the analysis of that which we do some of in psychoanalysis earlier there's two forks we can do here we can look linguistically at the gibberish right which is more like a what are we mouthing to say but i kind of think back to like those terence mckenna lectures where he talks about you know a visual language right so it's almost like symbol without any correlation right so and then what it almost becomes a a portal again or a psychoanalytic tool into the unconscious like what was trying to emerge and we'll kind of see that in jung's black books right so but with the with the lovecraft examples we kind of establish   that kind of approach right and i maybe we'll go there into the examples that are in the psychoanalysis of really yeah like so again  it sort of takes some examples of  so you have  i just go from this one section here the providence cipher paragraph four  and i won't read all of this but i'll just read some negro hagnas magnullah fatah right so we get the idea right it says with the fourth paragraph cthulhu's dead dreaming begins evoking both a requiem-like song as well as a kind of projected mind control in which the dead dreaming is broadcast out through the ocean seeking the receptive fluid filled brain pans of his targeted victims and then the tattoo journal quote says the writing continues regarding the medang roy the need for the start of the dead dreaming as well as a motion of a key word to commence the lucid dreaming song that coutulu's thoughts send his dread message out to the mammalian minds from the underwater tomb where he lay waiting this is one of the power words that must be guarded against migral then it goes on to say the manuscript author gives three key words in the fourth paragraph the providence cipher that introduced concept of nightmares mind control and madness namely magdang ngrang and mungok showing again how the cthulhu dialect is best suited for these concepts comfortably perched upon the event horizon of insanity the imperative is in fact a psionic power word to break the partition defenses between the id the ego and the superego not so the warning of not speaking or agak fetch and not hearing or agapog are well advised this so-called spell of cthulhu begins to read more like a manual of mind control perhaps to the poetic oral traditions of some mad race that evolved science to its limits as a kind of poesis in which each scientific even those acts of mammalian mind control of lesser species are thought of more as a performance than as an act of amoral scientific experimentation and for the fleshy minds of the victims here the performance is at once song requiem lamentation projection and broadcast the significance of which relates directly to lovecraft's insistence in naming this a call of cthulhu and i'll finally just read  just the translation so it says here the translation of this has been provided by august moldenhauer as follows dark dreaming begins evoke the requiem songs laments project the mind control broadcast out from without ocean deep receptive victims fluid mind filled brain pan the need for den dreaming from the tomb sending insanity out out of event horizon perch break the partition defense of id not speaking not hearing well advised for flesh ego best suited okay so here you know this is like a progression of progression of the lovecraft technique where it's just let's take not only imaginary writer not only imaginary book not only gibberish but what if we go one step deeper what is the gibberish saying to us like what is the gibberish implying is there some kind of you know again as  moldenhar says perched on the perched on the event horizon of insanity you know this is what's the work that's being done here that's very strange right it's very bizarre right  and it's got precedent in both occult traditions and psychological conditions  traditions let's say occult traditions with john d and i'll go into examples for from jung as well but for dr john d you know i just wanted to call out his process here so again  to summarize dr john d  elizabethan mages politician and  in the court of queen elizabeth has a scrying mirror kind of like looking at a crystal ball he's a black polished stone that he looks into today the crystal ball would have become an icon for superstition but cry scrying had been used and respected for divination throughout history so  dr d's early scrying attempts he would basically he would basically ask of the stone and what he would see he would begin to interpret right so it says here with few exceptions deed did not use scrying to see far-off happenings or divine the future his aim was to see into the spiritual realms to receive wisdom from higher beings the spiritual realms were thought to resemble in many respects the physical world it was common for scrying practices to be accompanied by religious and occult symbols and ceremonies so it's the integration of magic and art of memory developed in renaissance occultism so so d would do these experiments where   where he would ask of the stone and from that stone he would get these images and  i'll talk about this you know he uses the language of symbols and he developed this language of symbols from this  the original of the original watch sigel that's his cigalum and meth came out of this work right so  and then i just wanted to have this one other footnote here  the work that d does and we can see some of these scripts here as a great example of it so king bogobel appeared in the black villa coat in his hose closed round hose and velled upper stalks orated with gold lace and his head a vellet cap and a black feather with it and a cape hanging over his shoulder and then somehow this symbol comes out of that right this symbol comes out of that or prince born ago appeared in the red robe with the gold circle it on his head and he shewed his seal and said this is it and then he showed the seal right and then captures it or king bababel right and this is the symbol king bienpoor king and his seal is this right and he keeps going with these things king banasipal king belen sadon and his character is this seal and king bro just appeared in his red apparel and he opened his clothes and they did issue mighty and most terrible of grisly flame of fire out of his side which no mortal air could abide to look upon any long while his seal or character is thus right so an image a symbol of that king or prince and then his seal the seal of his government the circulate of red right these are i'm talking irish accent i don't know why but trying to do the old english pronunciation the middle english pronunciation but yeah again you sort of see that these  were transmitted through so he sort of saw symbols now coming through right the symbols came through so you know that le so like if we recap a bit lovecraft invokes something with imagination right d  asks of the stone and then something starts to hit his something bubbles up from the unconscious something comes across from the other side depending on your your persuasion and then the symbols are produced the symbols kind of come out of that so these are sort of sought for and like we saw in  psychoanalysis of real yeah it's also a matter where there could be a further translation of further carrying across not just of the symbols so that we understand this but us to the symbols like oh okay so if we start with the word just the one word necronomicon then we go to well there's a guy who wrote it al hazard and then here's his couplet you know death may die and then oh let's keep going and you keep going then d keeps going d does keep going and that's why maybe lovecraft aptly calls out d d keeps going and he scries into the black stone and what does he see from the black stone these different kings and princes and symbols and positions that he translates into symbols he pulls them through right and and in in a moldenhauer again you look at the words that look like gibberish but then upon doing a similar scrying activity you start to see oh wait is there is this the spell of cthulhu was this the angelic script i mean who knows what it is right but it is very interesting to say the least  i think we'll end up on  talking about jung's black books  just gonna wrap up with a couple references into the black book so you know as we look at jung more and more he starts to look like an occultist when we go back to this material so at the same time he was scientific and i always think that that's a great balance where you can look at things with a scientific mind and jung looked at things with his psychological  and his rigorous  intellect at the same time the black books show that he was open at least to either we could call it a psychosis or some kind of schizophrenia or some kind of spiritual coming through i mean you look at some of those things they surely compare to biblical visions that you see we could call that a number of things but it's quite interesting that the fruits of creativity that come out of it are quite interesting so here we have a translating jung's ruins it's just in the first book of the black books and it's a martin lee sir john pekkin sonia shamdashani talking a little bit about this i won't read through the whole thing but just saying the autumn of 1917 jung's soul forces the black magician ha to read and explain a series of cryptic ruins that he had sent the resulting entries which include eight sets of inscribed ruins form one of the most challenging sections of the work to translate at the same time they may stand as a cipher for the complexities of translating this whole work as a whole in response to the request of young soul ha takes on the task of translating the ruins literally spelling them out it's a boot camp in code city he gives cues to jung's soul about how this or that shape corresponds to the sun or the roof etc okay so i won't spoil this for you  get this and read it you will really enjoy their work but i do want to reference that and again similar to john d right and similar to psychoanalysis aurelia we see that there's another level of seeking jung's dream self is presented with the symbols and the account is very interesting i think i've got it bookmarked here the account is very interesting again you can see some of his notebooks here where he's getting some of these visions through and again i won't go through all of this i'll just touch on this but maybe if you're interested leave a comment below and i can do a whole episode on just this because i i'm working through it myself but just from my initial reading so so let's go right to this  this example from the mention above it says my soul where are you what do you see what are you busy with i haven't heard anything more from you right and i pick up the ore red stones gold shiny things from ancient shafts if you knew what amma viktor the ancient brought the shimmering serpent skin he shed to become philemon okay philemon immortal right and so he says my soul offerings willingness and tested submission has taken place go and accept  now so he had these  symbols right and then he's sort of talking with philemon here and he says a darker spirit of deception a sorcerer of satan who was it an adept of the blackest magic what was his name he forgot the name but he can tell you if you want he's prescient sophia bad enough what does he want what does he bring truly devil's craft you innocent one life never left him so let him speak so it's sort of like jung has philemon on the one hand who was sort of more like his  wise mentor but now he's directed more to ha the magician right so ha the magician comes in and he will be the one to translate these symbols so ha the magician listen darker son of the ancient earth nephew of mother's mud i call you come to the light of day ah here i am surely you would not see anyone like me surely i'm necessary philemon my son is probably too weak should i help what do you pay not a soul not a word about reward you were the one who came first we didn't call you ha now you are being preemptory what do you want soul says i want nothing from you you are too black too much of midnight too dreadfully earthy but confess what do you want from us ha get rid of that damn daylight it dazzles okay so he's having this conversation with the black magician and  and again this goes on for a while but i just wanted to sort of point out some of these ruins that come through to young are are definitely deserving of some fantastic translations as the editors were talking about for example i can't deny it but the ruins you can't use them anyway too damn smart a science for you look here these snatches so you've got some ruins coming through what do you want with this there's still a lot of them ha says a soul says you should read that to us so again now we're very deep right we're in the dream soul is talking to the dark magician the the ruins are presented soul asks the magician well you know them read them back to me huh do i know how i can't should i you wouldn't believe it but look the two diagonals lead to the circle the two diagonals lead to the circle a straight line stands at the bridge and makes a step downward crawls out like a serpent over two suns then goes straight downward and coils itself see the coil itself and imitates the upper cone and has the sun in its belly let me see if i can help you guys out with this i will zoom into this area here put it over here center and i'll zoom in let's make it very clear for everyone okay so he says the two diagonal lines lead to the coil right and then it crawls serpent-like over the two suns then goes straight downward and coils in on itself straight downward coils in on itself then it stretches out two arms and would like to stand firm straight and draw the two suns toward it that's dirty isn't it but the lower cone has the dark sun in its belly and therefore one is horrified by it if the wheel which bore the cross in it it would stand still and still take the way of the serpent around the two sons that's what it says and the soul says explain that is incomprehensible nah says you lack dirt your understanding has no dung in it the two diagonals however are yourself the circle is the sun one has the sun the other doesn't that's why you are diagonal however must be one stand straight and goes over the bridge but that leaves the two suns behind and comes straight so you hear this is like a massive compression of a lot of psychological imagery and anyway i just wanted to share that i think that's probably a good place to  to stop with it this could be a whole other study but i kind of wanted to bring it back to the topic at the end just in closing so the idea here was you can see that a lot of overlap between imagined lovecraftian just fictional horror and even for someone who claims theosophy's puboud and astrology's proposed listen maybe those things are but you know magic by  science is magic by other means sort of you know one of those things so once we understand what this technique is i think it might prove to be something more interesting and i think some of these works that we explored today in the deciphering of cryptic imagined texts or cryptic dream symbols really speaks to something on the border of psychology exploring the unconscious and  some techniques that could be even related to remote viewing so i'm going to wrap it up with that i think that was a a pretty good deep dive into  cryptic text translations from visions and dreams hope you liked the podcast  check out  my deep dive in psychoanalysis aurelia and the links and check out the other podcasts would love to hear your comments what do you guys think i mean  do you have other examples of  cryptic text i mean we could do a whole thing on the voinvich manuscript right that would be a cool one i wonder if anyone's tried to translate the voinvich manuscript and hey you can support the channel checking the links below the patreon we'll be putting some new content in there i'll be reading through the moldenhauer books and  and let me know what you'd like to see in future podcasts as the channel grows i'm gonna move into a live stream so i'd like to make that open to everyone and thanks a lot for watching and we'll see you soon bye bye
